Social Welfare.1.Chapter 19Chapter 19Social WelfareSocial Welfare.Copyright © 2011 CengageCopyright © 2011 Cengage WHO GOVERNS?WHO GOVERNS?1.1. How, if at all, have Americans’ views ofHow, if at all, have Americans’ views ofgovernment’s responsibility to help thegovernment’s responsibility to help the“deserving poor” changed over time?“deserving poor” changed over time?2.2.
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Why are some government socialWhy are some government socialwelfare programs politically protectedwelfare programs politically protectedwhile others are politically imperiled?while others are politically imperiled? TO WHAT ENDS?TO WHAT ENDS?1.1. What does the Constitution mean byWhat does the Constitution mean by“promote the general Welfare”?“promote the general Welfare”?2.2.