Your cervix plays a vital role during pregnancy and childbirth. The cervical position changes during ovulation through conception and can be an indicator of pregnancy. Also, the changes in the cervical mucus can help you check and confirm your pregnancy right at home.
Sounds interesting?Read this MomJunction post to know how to check the cervical positions during your fertile window and if this is a reliable method for confirming pregnancy. The Cervix And Its RoleThe cervix is the narrow, lower part of the uterus and connects the uterus with the vagina.
It is around 3-4cm in length. The lining of the cervix contains glands that produce thick mucus. During ovulation, the mucus becomes thinner, allowing the passage of sperms to the egg. Once you are pregnant, the mucus becomes thicker again to protect the uterus from harmful bacteria. You can try and test for pregnancy by gauging the cervical position. Keep reading to know how. How To Check For Pregnancy With The Cervical Position?You can check the cervical position for pregnancy by inserting your finger into the vagina.
But before you do, make sure you:. Clean your hands properly to reduce the chances of infection.
Cut your fingernails. Get into a squatting position.Once you are in the squatting position, insert the longest finger inside the vagina.
You can feel a firm, rounded, lip-like structure that sticks out into the vagina, which is the outer part of the cervix. Slide your finger upward – if the cervix feels high up and soft with a slight opening, it means you are ovulating. If you feel the cervix lying low, hard, and closed, then it indicates that either you have not ovulated or the ovulation has already occurred.It is not easy to determine the cervical position in the first go. You need to practice it every day: feel the cervical position and note down the changes.Changes in the cervical position are also associated with the changes in the cervical mucus.
Next, we tell you about the role of the cervical mucus in determining the position of the cervix. How To Check For Changes In Cervical Position With Cervical Mucus?If you want to ascertain the pregnancy with the changing cervical position, you must also pay attention to the cervical mucus. The mucus changes with the approaching ovulation and helps you determine the fertile time. Before or post ovulation, the mucus remains thicker and stickier.
During ovulation, it becomes clear, stretchy, and slippery like raw egg white, to facilitate the smooth movement of the sperms. Is It A Reliable Pregnancy Test?No, because the cervical position can vary with different body positions. For example, the cervix’ position before sexual intercourse is not the same as that immediately after, and this could lead to misjudgment. Also, the changes in the cervical position follow a pattern, which you can understand only by tracking it for a few cycles.It is better to use other tracking methods like basal body temperature along with the cervical position method to ascertain conception. If you feel that you’re pregnant after assessing the cervical position, then use a home pregnancy kit to confirm the result.Tracking the sudden changes in the position of the cervix can help you identify the right time for conception.
But as mentioned earlier, you need to understand the changes and patterns of the cervix’ positions for accurate interpretation.Did you check your cervical positions to ascertain pregnancy? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.
I ovulated almost two weeks ago. I had unprotected sex everyday before, after, and during ovulation (we are TTC). My cervix has stayed soft and very wet with alot of cervical mucus. My period was due thursday and I got it on thursday(i think.) it was only one day long then it stopped. The next day(yesterday) I had some dark brown spotting then that stopped.
Then this morning after sex i had a small amount of bright red. My cervix has remained very soft since I ovulated.
This morning it was so soft I could barely distinquish it from anything else. Could I be pregnant? Hey, I've read you guys post and i'm in the same boat. I was suppose to start two days ago but i don't know if it's the multivitamins i'm taking that's causing the delay (is that possible) or if i could be pregnant. They say that the cervix is suppose to be soft and high when preggo and during your cycle it's suppose to be hard and low. Well i'm experiencing both in the same day.
Anyone else similar to this situation and was pregnant? I took a preg test yesterday morning but it was neg. I'm feeling all the symptoms of the cycle coming (especially right before it happens), like painful cramps when peeing. But it hasn't came. I am as frustrated as you all. Ever since I had my second son things have been worse than ever.
Cervix Low And Soft
I only was able to BF for 5-6m and yet my cycle still didn't come back until he was 9m. Then it would stop and had to be given progesterone. The next month the same thing.
So, the OBGYN put me on the pill. Then I got high blood pressure and had to go off the pill after 6m. So, with all of that my husband and I decided to try for our third since we were going off the pill anyway and after a couple of normal cycles I was 2-3wks. I got excited thinking we were pregnant and after $50 worth of preg. Test they all came out neg. Even tested twice and still neg.
He put me on progesterone to strengthen my uterus and kick start my cycle back. Well it did but now I am almost 2wks. Late again with soft high cervix and even had some spotting twice during the middle of my cycle after intercourse, but neg. What's going on? I don't have an abnormal thyroid, diabetes, or irregular hormones. Everything checked out normal, but obviously this is all not normal!!!
To anyone else who stumbles across this web site, I had the same thing happen to me two months ago. A few days before my period was due, my cervix was very high and so soft it was hard to find as it practically blended into the my vaginal walls, I also had an abundance of cervical mucus, some tinged yellow. I found out that I was pregnant, but I miscarried. Now I know what a pregnant cervix feels like, it never got low, hard and dry before my period. I continued to have cervical mucus, and my cervix was very high, soft and wet but closed. So, yes it is possible.but, please note that not everyone's body is the same, and I would not rely on this as a definite answer to if you are pregnant or not. Hope this helps and baby dust!
I am in the same position, I had unprotected sex 28th feb and was due to ovulate on 3rd march I have a regular 26day cycle and I am due my period in the next couple of days. My cervical position is high, wet and feels really soft like lips, I done a home pregnancy test yesterday afternoon when I think my urine may have been diluted as I have been trying to drink lots and lots of water, could I be pregnant and should I give another home pregnancy test after the date of my period if it still does not come??%-).
Hi, I am ttc and I baby danced the day before I believe I ovulated (per, cervical mucus being egg white consistency) and period was due December 29th on an average 32 day cycle. I am now 4 days late and I took a test the 31st prior to going out and it was negative. So today I checked my cervix and to my surprise it is high and soft and a BUNCH of creamy white thick cervical mucus. I feel I am pregnant but I am afraid that if I take another test it will just say negative.
I am going to tomorrow. My friend is pregnant too and she said she was a week and 1/2 late before she got a line on a test and it took till she was 3 weeks late to get a strong positive. She is now 11 weeks pregnant.
Soft Cervix Sign Of Pregnancy
So I know it can take time to get a positive if I am indeed pregnant. It is just not in the norm.